U.F.OÆs Over Northern N.S.W. Australia


An artical published in

ô Daily Examiner ô and ô Northern Star ô Newspapers


Saturday night 16 th March 1996 while observing the clear starry night sky, Grafton N.S.W. resident Mr. Barry Taylor, observed a group of about a dozen yellowish circular objects grouped in a ô V ô formation flying over the skies of Grafton. ô The objects were surrounded in a white haze, forming an overall ô Boomerang ô shaped formation, and travelling directly overhead to the North at a speed of around 2,400 Klm ( 1,500 Miles ) per hour, and at an altitude of about 6,000 Meters
( 20,000 feet )ö This was at 11.10 PM.

ôThen again at 11.30 PM, I saw something else pass over South Grafton from the East this time, and at a much lower altitude, about 1,600 meters ( 5,000 feet ). The individual yellowish objects were not visible this time, just the white haze with lots of small white lights within the haze, but I felt it was the same object as the first.ö This object was also travelling very fast, about 800 klm ( 500 miles ) per hour. Because this object moved across our view, a second witness and I, watched the object for six seconds until it went from view.ö ô I said to my friend that it looks like the U.F.O.Æs are ô buzzing ô Grafton, so a went and got my camera just in case they returned a third time.ö said Mr. Taylor.

ô Then at 12.10 am. they flew over a third time. This time a little to the West of my position and moving to the South. They were very low this time, less than 600 meters ( 2,000 Feet ) Just above the tree tops from my viewing position. They may have flown over the CBD of Grafton this time. I could see the white haze, this time full of individual white lights all moving as one, and very spread out, about 400 meters across, and travelling about the speed of the second sighting. I took two quick photographs of the object this time, but the photos did not turn out because I was using only 100 ASA colour film. I now have 400 ASA colour film in my camera for next timeö.

Mr. Taylor has been interested in the subject of U.F.OÆs for the last 25 years, since he first sighted one while living in Sydney. He has also photographed one when in the Blue Mountains at Katoomba in 1972. A copy of one of the two photographs taken is currently published in ô Mysterious Australia ô written by Mr. Rex Gilroy. ( NEXUS Publishing. P.O.Box 30 Mapleton Qld. 4560. Phone: ( 074 ) 42 9280 ) http://www.peg.apc.org/~nexus/

U.F.O Sightings


As reported to Independent UFO Researcher,
Barry Taylor.

e-mail stingray@nor.com.au

Sunday 17th March at 2:00 am, Miss Fiona McClennon of Grafton observed a large group of small white lights moving at low altitude ( 200 meters or less ) over the town area. Moving from North to South and then veering more towards the East until lost behind trees. She took two photographs using a flash, but nothing turned out on the film, not even the palm trees in her back yard that were only 5 meres away.

Mr. and Mrs. S. of the Lismore area wrote me of a sighting they had in August 1995. At 7:30 PM they both observed the overcast night sky starting to glow green. They noticed a saucer shaped object tumberling end-over-end through the clouds towards a hill. The clouds seemed to ô boil ô along the objects path. Then after three seconds it ô just disappeared ô. The following day their neighbour said she also saw it, and she said that it looked metallic.

Mrs. H from Yamba said she was awaken by a loud ô whooshing ô noise one night in February 1996. She also said that a U.F.O. was sighted hovering over the Yamba Bowling Club in broad daylight and observed by a number of bowlers, and the local Police about the same week. This was written up in the local Yamba newspaper.

Mr. C. of Brunswick Heads observed a white glowing ô light ô over the ocean while he was fishing with his son just before Christmas 1995.

Mr. C. of Yamba got a short glimpse of an unusual object while painting a house one day in February 1996. He noticed a bronze coloured disc shaped object trailing a flame similar to a gas flame flying at moderate speed from North to South in the Eastern sky over the ocean. Upon describing the sighting to his wife later that day, she also said that while she was in a Service Station filling up with fuel that she, and the lady attendant both observed the same object .

Mr. A. phoned me and said that while living in Kyogle for a number of years he had seen many U.F.OÆs. Some at close range. He said he will write it all down for me. Yet to be received.

Miss C. of Grafton reported a Triangular white hazy ô light ô in the Western night sky just South of Venus and at the same level in mid March.

On the night of 23 rd March 1996, Miss H. of the Lismore with a friend, reported a large bright white light in the Northern sky which had three white beams of light coming from it. While they observed the light, they noticed two other smaller orange lights moving nearby. They watched the lights for one hour (12:02 till 1:05 am ) then they just disappeared.

Mr. John McLean of Casino reported a ô V ô formation of single lights fly at very low altitude, ( about 100 metres ), directly overhead on the 16 th March 1996. ( note my sighting, could be the same object.) at about 9:15 pm. The objects were a dull yellow, and the formation turned in their flight path moving as one.

Mr. and Mrs. R. of Brunswick Heads observed a triangular shaped ô light ô pass overhead in March.

On the night of 18 th March 1996, at 10:30 pm a Lismore man observed a circular group of ô silver white ô lights high in the Northern sky. They appeared to be flashing but not moving. They were observed for 10 minutes before they just disappeared.

Ten years ago, a man while driving in the Clunes area, just North of Lismore had a strange thing happen to him. His car suddenly stalled, then he suddenly noticed a large ô football ô shaped dark red pulsing light ahead of him. The object was surrounded by a number of orange lights. It then shot off and his car was able to restart.

Mrs. S. of Ballina observed a white ô light ô over Mt. Nardie ( TV towers there ) the light separated and one of them shot off towards Lismore doing 90 degree turns at speed.

Mr. O. of Lismore while with three friends observed strange red, green and white ô lights ô over Lismore in mid 1995.

Mr. B. when working in the Kyogle area, was telling me of mysterious ô cattle mutilations ô. About 30 breeder cattle were found dead over a period of a few weeks. Vets could not determine the cause of death. And all of their tails were missing, nothing else visibly interfered with. Unlike normal carcasses, these took about 3 to 4 months to decay, and the feral animals would not go near them.

Mrs. K.T. of the Grafton area reported the sighting of strange lights moving around their property on a few occasions. Her husband found no tracks or fence damage when investigating missing cattle and flattened sugar cane in the area.

A farming couple reported to me of the night their neighbours rang them to say that there were strange lights around their farm shed, and that it sounded like one of their pumps was playing up because of the noise coming from the shed. On driving towards the shed, they noticed a triangular group of lights above the shed. There was an orange light at the front, and two white lights at the rear of the ô object ô.The object passed over the shed on two occasions. The noise was coming from the object. It sounded like a motor with a broken bearing. They checked their pump motors and they were working perfectly.

A man travelling along the Summerland Way North of Lismore was paced by a triangular U.F.O. Around September 1995 while driving home, he became aware of what looked like three Fluorescent tubes forming a triangle. They were a purple / mauve in colour and moving at the exact speed of his car. He slowed down to 40 klm per hour, then sped up to 100 klm per hour, and the object remained in the exact same position as he observed it through the windscreen. The object was about 400 metres ahead of him and 100 metres to the right. He watched the lights for 10 minutes until it disappeared. When he arrived home his wife said ô I thought you had an accident ô He is now on my list for Hypnotherapy.

Also on the 16 th March 1996, Mrs P. reported seeing a very unusual cloud at 11:30 pm on her way home from work. While driving on the Lismore to Kyogle Road, she noticed a æMajestic ô looking huge cloud that seemed to be lit up from within. The cloud had a flat bottom and bloomed up into a huge formation. The bottom edge was lit up in an orange / lilac colour and was low in the sky in the direction of Bentley. She thought to herself that many others must be able to see it also. She lost sight of it as she continued her journey. Mrs. P. described what she had seen to a work mate who lives in the Bentley area, and she calmly stated to Mrs. P. that there has been a lot of U.F.O. sightings in that area over the years. Apparently people would stop at their property and not wish to continue their journey for a while because they had just seen a U.F.O.

Julie from Hervey Bay Qld reported a large pulsating orange light that dispersed two orange lights from underneath. The first one dropped down then shot up to the right. The second one dropped down and shot off up to the left of the main object. She observed this object for about 20 minutes. A friend of Julies said that he had also seen something similar over Fraser Island.

Julie also told me of the night that a U.F.O. hovered directly above her house. The bedroom, lounge room and dining room were lit up by a brilliant pure white light, ô Fluorescent white ô as she described it. Julies father and friend were followed by a ô min-min ô light while driving home in central Queensland some years ago. The second encounter that Julies father had with a min-min light caused him to suffer a mild heart attack.

A man contacted me about the ô Yowie ô and ô Hairy Men ô that have been seen in the Kyogle district. As children they would go exploring and one day were frightened by a tall large smelly ô creature ô that came crashing through the scrub towards them. They raced off and have never returned to that location. He has offered to take me there, and I will go come summer.

A young man waiting for an early morning surf at 5:25 pm mid March 1996, was standing alone in a car parking area at Yamba. It was just before sunrise when he noticed a light high in the morning sky spiralling downwards and trailing a spiralling tail. Suddenly it ô exploded ô into a brilliant white light that lit up the car park area like daytime. He said that for some time afterwards when he closed his eyes, he could see the brightness when you have looked into a bright light. The spiralling tail remained in the sky for several minutes.

Mr. Ben Douglas of Brisbane reported a U.F.O. over the city on 6 th April 1996 at 7:25 pm. Looking North over Brisbane, he noticed a fast moving bright white light moving to the East. At an altitude of about 600 metres. Suddenly the light separated firstly into two, then three, then up to five. The lights then performed complicated aerobatics. Dodging , weaving and ô dancing ô around above Brisbane for a few minutes until they disappeared from view. Mr. Douglas contacted U.F.O. Research ( Qld ), Police and RAAF Amberley. UFO Research
( Qld ) were already answering calls about this object, and the others requested a verbal account of the sighting.

Miss H. of Coffs Harbour reported strange lights over the area and out to sea four times in 20 minutes around 7:00 pm on Saturday night 13 th April 1996.

Mr. S. and a friend observed a mysterious blue and yellow light over North Casino Saturday 16 th March 1996 at 10:30 pm. There appeared to be two ô wings ô attached to the object.

The first week in April 1996, Mrs. K. observed a large orange / yellow light hovering over the Pacific Highway near Ballina.

A large orange light was observed at Lawrence ( North of Grafton ) 18 th April 1996 around 8:30 pm. The object was just above ground level and lit up the surrounding area like there was a camp fire. On close approach to the light, the observer stated that the light seemed to quickly approach his location then recede again to its original position. The light was observed from a distance of 200 metres for 10 minutes. On trying to drive to a closer observation point, the object was lost from view.

Mr. Jeff Joratowitch of the Eastern slopes of Dorrigo was awaken at 1:30 am on the 15 th March 1996 by a loud ô humming ô noise. He went outside thinking it was a large generator somewhere. But he could not pinpoint where the noise was coming from. He was just about to go back into the house when he looked up into the clear night sky. There he observed a large strange light in the sky. He went inside and got his binoculars. Upon looking at the light through binoculars, he could see a large dark round object with what looked like electric sparks flickering all over the underside of the object. The object was very slowly moving to the North at an altitude of about 800 metres. The next day his neighbour said that she also heard the noise but did not get out of bed to investigate. This sighting was reported on ABC Radio National ( Kempsey ) Saturday morning a few weeks later.

A young Lady from the Grafton area reported three separate sightings.

( 1 ) A dull yellow light to the South West above a mountain range was observed for 5 minutes. She went inside to call her husband to come and have a look. This only took about 45 seconds, and when they returned outside the light had gone and was not visible anywhere else in the night sky.

( 2 ) When taking the garbage out on Thursday night she observed a white æ fuzzy æ light, something like a fuzzy cotton ball, moving low in the sky towards South Grafton. Suddenly it shot upwards vertically and out of view.

( 3 ) Getting a drink of water at the kitchen sink early one morning, she looked out of the window at the clear starry night sky. She then noticed a ô star ô which stayed a very bright blue colour and was high in the sky. It seemed to deviate in its position by about 150 mm through the window, from centre to right, then to the left. She observed the ô star ô for about 5 minutes then returned to bed. But it was not there the next night, and she has not seen it since.

A Lady in her late 60Æs from Nambucca Heads reported to me what she had seen at 5:00 am 16 th April 1996. Looking out through her kitchen window darkened by the night sky, she saw a slow moving dark red light move past her field of view out of the window. It looked the size of a ô cricket ball ô. Looking South, the light was moving towards the South.

A mature couple from Dorrigo reported seeing strange lights around their farm on numerous occasions over the years. One recent sighting was of great interest. They observed a light fairly close to their vicinity, and observed it through binoculars. They saw a disc shaped object with a ô dome ô on top. There were lights, possibly portholes on the top dome and rotating lights on the lower portion of the object. They watched it move from view.

More UFO sightings .

New Zealand UFO 1965 ( enhanced photo )

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